Under the Tuscan… Sunofabitch!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

For the next few days, Jack Sh*t is chronicling his adventures on his recent trip to Italy as well as including tips to help you plan your own international travel. It is his special way of saying "Nanna nanna boo boo, I went to Italy!" to all his loyal readers.

 It’s been a whirlwind week in Italy for my wife Anita and I, filled mostly with touristy stops (feating our eyes on Da Vinci’s Last Supper in Milan, gondola gallivanting in Venice, art-appreciatin’ Michelangelo’s David and Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus in Florence, gulping down gelato… well… everywhere).

Now our vacation shifts out to a little house we’ve rented in Cortona, a little city surrounded by Etruscan walls - around 3000 years old - that was the setting from the movie Under the Tuscan Sun.

The city’s small enough to walk around the entire city in a day (though I don’t recommend you try it) and isn’t quite as… how do I put this?… English-speaky, as the big cities we’ve visited.

Staying in a house is so much more relaxing that living out of a suitcase in a hotel, even though the hotels we’ve been in have been fantastic). It’s so relaxing that I think I’m about done with all this vacation blogging.

My pants are gettin’ snug and my long-lost scale is starting to beckon to me again.

It’s been a great vacation, but it’s about time to get Jack back to gettin’ fit.

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